Pipe shot blasting machine

Sand blasting machine
  Mar 17, 2021

Pipe cleaning shot blasting machine

A pipe shot blasting machine is used for surface profiling and removing rust and mill scale from welded steel pipe. Rust and dust should be clean before coating or painting or any other application on the pipe. Design and manufacturing of pipe sand blasting machines are done by expert professionals for high quality and high performance.

Airo shot blast works with customers to determine their requirements and we will consider many factors including

  1. Steel abrasive type
  2. Surface cleaning requirements
  3. Line speed
  4. Surface profile requirement

Airo shot blast is working closely with coating and surface texturing manufacturers to give the best adherence to coating and texturing. This pipe shot blasting machine is customized according to the need of the customer. The machine can do outer as well as inner cleansing. Many methods and technologies are used for different requirements. This pipe grit blasting machine is specially designed to process any cylindrical items including tubes.

Working process of pipe shot blasting machine

Many centrifugal blast wheels are installed in the machine which is working to provide deep cleaning and a good surface profile. These pipe shot blasting are completely automated and they remove all the dust, scale, and rust from the steel pipes. by the centrifugal blast wheels, the pipe is conveyed and get cleaned from the inner and outer surface. These centrifugal blast wheels are driven by an electric motor which a better surface finish to the whole surface of pipe, rod, bar, etc.

 This process will provide bend finish, polishing, and uniform cleaning to pipe and rods of all sizes and of any material. There is a wear-resistant shield that protects the robust construction of the pipe sand blasting machine. This wear-resistant shield is made out of manganese steel liners. In this machine, in the entry chamber and exit cleaning chamber, abrasive is kept inside the machine with the help of a series of rubber screens.
